Off the Fence: Why Riding the Middle Road Turns You into an Asshole Too

Listen, here's the thing about sitting on the fence when it comes to dealing with assholes who spew hate and toxicity: it doesn’t make you the noble, peacekeeping hero you think you are. Instead, it turns you into part of the goddamn problem. Sitting there, silent and complicit, you might as well be handing these jerks a megaphone.

We live in a world where the lines between right and wrong should be clearer than ever, yet some folks act like they're watching a tennis match, heads bobbing from side to side, never picking a side. But here’s a newsflash: neutrality is bullshit. When you don't actively oppose toxicity, you're giving it a silent nod of approval. Think about it. By not condemning, you're condoning. By not fighting back, you're laying down arms so the bullies can walk all over you—and everyone else who’s in their line of fire. I’m guilty… I’ve been there. Shit, I’ve been the toxic one everyone agrees with and I’ve also silently said “YES KEEP GOING” to things I know in my heart are wrong. Part of my recovery process is now reflecting on this daily. Am I following my core values? Do my actions and reactions line up with what I believe? Sure, I’m still a bit of a snap show. I chirp a bit… but I have learned to regulate it and correct myself. We are constantly a work in progress… at least that’s what I believe. Remember… you don’t have to be your past.

Now, let's talk about said core values. These are the principles that should steer your ship through life’s murky waters, right? So, when you choose to only listen to the side of the story that suits your needs, you're betraying those very principles. It's like cherry-picking facts to fit your narrative, and that's just another flavour of dishonesty. You think you’re keeping your hands clean by not getting involved, but really, you’re just smudging your moral compass until the directions it points mean fuck-all.

And let's be real, it’s not just about not being an asshole; it’s about not morphing into one. You hang around a dumpster long enough, you’re going to smell like trash. It’s contagious. These attitudes of hatred, discrimination, and plain old nastiness? They spread like a goddamn virus, and by playing the middle, you’re basically the carrier, buddy.

The world’s messy, complicated, and yes, sometimes taking a stand can feel like you’re the lone voice in a storm of discord. But, fuck, if you choose to just stand there in the middle, watching the chaos, you're just as guilty. Every time you shrug off a racist joke, ignore a sexist comment or tune out when you see someone getting bullied, you’re telling the perpetrator, “Hey, it’s cool. Keep going, I’m not gonna stop you.”

I get it, taking a stand is tough. It means you might piss people off. You might lose friends. Hell, you might even question your own values from time to time. But the alternative—being a spineless enabler of the world’s ugliest traits—is a whole lot worse. You’ve got to ask yourself, what’s more important? Keeping the peace? Or keeping your integrity?

Stop being a fence-sitter. Stop letting shit slide. Get angry. Get involved. Speak the hell up. Because in the end, the side of the fence you choose to get off on says everything about who you are. And if you choose to stay up there, just remember, fences are for assholes who don't have the balls to pick a side. And is that really who you want to be?

If you battled through that blog post, here are a few updates as of today…

RCOVR WEAR - Last Day for 20% off. Use Promo Code RCOVR20 All items are back to full price beginning tomorrow.

BASEBALL TRAINING IN VICTORIA - Everything is cancelled. There will be NO group camps in the Summer or Fall. I had some feedback that players shouldn’t have to apply to train with me and that how I do things is wrong. Best of luck to everyone with everything you’re constantly complaining about!!! I’m OUT. I’m not playing the games. I will continue to serve those who know the difference between right and wrong and stand tall for them.

CURRENT PERFORMANCE CLIENTS - I can’t do the work for you. A few of you are mailing it in. As I always say. I care as much as you do. This program is not for me. The framework is there… it’s laid out… It’s proven… But it’s uncomfortable. If you want comfort I’m not the right person for you. I don’t see the value in being an expensive friend.

POTENTIAL CLIENTS - If you’re thinking of working with me please be advised that I have high expectations. I will hold your hand. But you are expected to try and check the boxes. That buzzword everyone overuses (accountability) only works if you work.

TO MY WIFE - Love you babe XOXO. My wife is the best example of someone who stands up for what she believes and doesn’t waiver. The gratitude I have for that… I can’t even begin to explain it!!!!! My North Star.


Reputation vs. Character: The Unseen Stand
